Indirect tax technology expert


At the moment you already have your solution in place for the required monthly JPK VAT report submission. There are many different type of solutions available in the market.

In case you are not completely satisfied with your current solution we might have an interesting alternative. It is at the moment only available for SAP users.

Functional design for workaround solution monthly VAT file (JPK-VAT)

For the submission of the monthly JPK-VAT file it is very important that the content of this file does reconcile to the submitted VAT return. If this file does not reconcile to the submitted VAT return the risk that the PL tax authorities will ask questions to explain the differences is high.

Most companies download the standard SAP VAT return reports (RFUMS reports) from SAP to Excel and have an Excel working paper for review and if necessary make (manual) adjustments. The data in the SAP reports are retrieved from various SAP tables and are the starting point for the VAT return submission.

 In order to ensure the reconciliation between the SAFT VAT report and the VAT return the Excel working paper that includes the applied (manual) adjustments is the correct starting point for the SAFT VAT files. To ensure the completeness of the required data the use of a specific lay-out format should be agreed upfront.

 The process will be that based on the agreed Excel working paper format the Excel sheets will be copied into the SAFT-PL JPK-VDEK Excel sheet. The applied manual adjustments are included and when required corrections for previous periods will be added to the final SAFT/JPK-VDEK XML file. The SAFT-PL JPK-VDEK Excel sheet includes the selection criteria, company master data, specific VAT return box values, mapping of used tax codes to the required SAFT fields  and calculated control totals. The JPK-VDEK file is automatically exported as XML file but also available as Excel sheet for adjustments whenever required

 There will be a control report developed for the total VAT amounts: a “VAT return” based on the data in the SAFT VAT file. This control report should be reconciled to the actual VAT return to ensure that the data is matching. 

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